Hercules had Pegasus.
Tobey Maguire had Seabiscuit.

Don't be confused. I am still riding a bike with Bike & Build. It has not changed to Ride a Horse & Build (yet). But you should understand where I'm going with this. The people I listed are all part of a human/horse team where one can not really function without the other (yes, I know the actor Tobey Maguire does not depend on a horse named Seabiscuit, but I just couldn't remember his character's name). And I see clear parallels between their relationships with the horses and the relationship I (and any other cyclist, really) will form with my bike.
I'm about to spend two months with 32 other people biking across the country. BUT... I can't depend on those people to physically get me from point A to point B (note I said physically; I'm sure mentally we will all need each other). My reliance is on what's between my legs. That's right, my Giant....Defy 2 (that's the kind of bike I'm riding. What did you think I was talking about?).
Just as any horse owner needs to take care of their horse, I need to take care of my bike. I must treat it right and show it respect for this relationship to really prosper. Neglect and laziness is really only going to hurt me in the long run, so the TLC really needs to be in full throttle mode.
The point of this post is not to admit that I have to take care of my bike. I mean, duh, any one knows that. But since I'm about to spend two months on him/her, I think it's only appropriate for my Giant Defy 2 to be given a name.

I went to google and typed in "name your bicycle". This is the first link that popped up and it got my mind gears spinning. Like the website suggested, I did consider naming it after a famous person. But what if Hugh Jackman ever approached me and said, "Lovely bike, mate. What's its name?" "Umm...my bike's name is Hugh Jackman." Awk-ward.
Since Greek gods might have the coolest names ever I started to research them. One of the first websites that popped up was 20000-names.com. The website name alone was enough to give me anxiety, but I clicked anyway. Luckily, the tab for Greek names only had five pages worth of names.

Flash forward to the next day:
I got really tired of looking at names online. I spent wayyy too much time trying to find an awesome Greek god/goddess name, but then I thought that was kind of cliche.
Today I woke up and went for a nice little 15 mile ride. I wore my iPod (in just one ear for safety) and the song I Drove All Night by Roy Orbison came on. It immediately pumped me up and had me pedaling fast. And when the first lyrics were sung, "I had to escape, the city was sticky and cruel..." that was my "Aha!" moment.

My Giant Defy 2 has a name and his name is Roy and our theme song is I Drove All Night. Granted, it is more about a guy driving all night to wake his lover from sleep to make love, but I still think the lyrics are applicable. It could just as easily be I Rode All Night.
The Lone Ranger had Silver.
Hercules had Pegasus.
Red (Tobey Maguire's character's name) had Seabiscuit.
Brad has Roy.
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