Hello and welcome to my blog!
First off, a little about the title:
it's a quote I read from H.G. Wells (the popular sci-fi author) and something about it really stuck with me. Perhaps I interpreted it as meaning a perfect world will come about through cyclists. I know that sounds a little cocky, but I am proud of the fact that I'm about to embark on a journey that will truly help others.

My current status in life goes a little something like this... I'm 23 and living in Los Angeles. I graduated two years ago from Ithaca College with a degree in Cinema and Photography and moved out to this city a few months later. Since then, I've been working in the art department on two different tv shows.
So what brought me to joining Bike & Build? Last August I flew to upstate New York for a friend's wedding.
I went with three good friends, including my pal, Bridget. Bridget did Bike & Build in the summer of 07 and, for some reason, brought it up a few times while we were driving from NYC to Cooperstown. The only thing I could think in my head (and I'm pretty sure I vocalized it, too) was, "Wow, I could never do something like that." I remember asking her some questions about it and her answers just furthered my interest in B&B. Sure enough, the week I got back from that wedding I went onto Bike & Build's website to read more about it and decided, "Yes, this is something I want to do." A few weeks later when applications became available I filled out all the forms, did all the essays, and applied. I was accepted and that was just the beginning.

Though I have been excited for it from the start, I didn't tell a lot of family and friends back home until around Christmas. I started fundraising in January and am very proud that I've passed the required $2000 mark by the deadline. I'm still fundraising now. If interested in donating please visit this link. I'm still in the process of telling everyone about it, but they will know soon enough.
Okay, so why did I decide to embark on this trip? Even though the jobs I've had have been great and filled with talented and fun people, I haven't necessarily felt like I've been challenged or done things I'm truly proud of. And this isn't doesn't mean I don't work hard or seek promotions. It's because I'm not exactly sure what it is I want to be doing out here. I am confident it is something within the television and film industry, but I just need to figure out what. There are so many different directions I can go and before I strap myself down to focus on them, I wanted to challenge myself. Add to that the current economic status. Some days I find myself so worried about myself and getting through these times, but the truth is there are so many people doing worse than I can even imagine. When I first read about Bike & Build I was very interested in helping others. I didn't do volunteer work in college (like Habitat) and I always regretted it. Bike & Build really gives me a chance to reach both of these goals. In the long run, the fundraising for the affordable housing cause and the building of houses are what will stick with me. I'm positive biking will provide great memories, but I'm looking forward to lifting a hammer to make a difference.
This brings me to my current status with the beginning of the trip less than two months away (destination: Boston). As you can see below, I have my brand new (and first) road bike! Bike & Build provides us with these bikes and all the gear is our responsibility. The model is a Giant Defy 2 and I'm taking it into the shop this weekend to get properly fitted on it. See below!
In terms of training.... well, I don't want to go off on a rant about the terrible treatment I've been given lately by doctors, but, long story short, I've been sick for a solid two months. The first month I still worked out and pushed myself, but the lack of getting better taught me I needed to rest. So I haven't been to the gym in a few weeks and have yet to take my bike out. The good news is I'm finally feeling better and that should be confirmed (medically) tomorrow. Also, I will be building with the local Habitat chapter soon and am looking forward to that!
This concludes my first entry. Keep your eyes open for more entries to come as I count down the days until I arrive in Boston for orientation.
Bike on!
Brad - you should be in Boston now so good luck, be safe, and have a fantastic journey with Roy! Love, mom